Our Mission Statement

The ultimate goal of our project is to develop a publicly accessible profile of the positive and negative economic, social and environmental impacts of cruise ships on the city.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Where, Oh Where, Do They Go?

One of the key factors to accurately mapping tourism in a city is the use of effective observation. The problem is, however, how do you obtain the cooperation of the tourist, or be sneaky enough to simply have them not know?

There are many methods of observation to try and map this movement, but which one is most effective? An analysis of each prospective method highlighting the pros and cons of each possible situation can be found here.

Here are a few of the methods that are targeted as possibilities for the extent of our project in Venice.

Camera Monitoring:
Pros - High Resolution, Accurate, Can pinpoint individuals
Cons - Expensive, Intrusive, Light dependant

Manual Observation:
Pros - Communication with tourists, Flexibility, Can collect non-spatial information
Cons - Intrusive, Time-consuming, Small sample size

Pros: - Can track decision making, Flexibility, Can collect non-spatial information
Cons - Intrusive, Time-consuming, Small sample size

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